( Ages 10-14 / Grades 5-8 )
We Understand your Life and Schedule. Modern Pre-Teen life is filled with many activities and responsibilities demanding time and effort. What you need a program that will teach your child the most important lessons they will need in life, is interesting, and works with other activities. Our Pre-Teen Program accomplishes all of this.
Our Pre-Teen Program consists of three different parts that can be mixed and matched. Our Tsunami Bujitsu Karate Program which is high energy and intensity, our Preparation for Budo Program (described on this page, and optionally our Teen-Focused Classes when there parents feel they are ready for this material.
In many ways Pre-teen is the best time in life to start training at Budo. This age hits the sweet spot in our children's programs when the children come in with the enough learning skills to make the most use of the program. At Budo we take a long and broad look at life and education. Our goal is to have all of our students have the most full and fulfilling lifetime. Most of life is spent in adulthood, therefore getting the most out of these years is most important. Our programs for pre-teens are designed to do just that.
While one needs significant experience in life to be open to learning most lessons about life, our program develops the ability to learn those lessons more quickly, and to get a tremendous head start in other areas of life as a child. We focus primarily on using the learning of ultimately extremely high quality martial arts to develop learning skills, awareness of the learning process, and the world (and motives of others) that they will interact with. At this age children also learn effective self-defense skills, along with the understanding of when they are appropriate.
The programs for this age consist of two (or three) types of classes - "Tsunami Karate - Bujitsu", "Preparation for Budo", and the Special Teen-Focused Classes. The program develops the skills and prepares your child for the next phase of training, the Budo classes. In that phase of training your child will study the lessons truly important for life and develop their skills by working with other teens and adults. It takes most pre-teens a few years of preparation lessons to be ready for that step, and that's what the pre-teen program is about. Additionally, any pre-teen in the Preparation for Budo program can attend the two special Teen-Focused classes (see Schedule) each month at no extra charge. While teaching martial arts and self-defense, these classes focus on Teen issues - balancing schedules, responsibility, remembering things, pressures, being an individual and being part of a group. The boys and girls are taught separately for much of the class (led by successful adult men and women respectively) to focus on challenges and issues, what teens find interesting and what they will need to know.
As a final note (and slight aside before getting to the details of the two main Pre-Teen Class Types), while pre-teens require some time of preparation for Budo classes, Parents, can benefit from participating in those classes right away. They can then be ready to share and guide their child when they too are ready. A healthy parent (mentally and physically) is one of the best gifts you can give your child(ren).
In the Preparation for Budo classes the children focus on detailed individual skills, learning how to learn, and taking responsibility for their own learning. This is done through the teaching and improving of high quality martial arts techniques and exercises. The Preparation for Budo classes themselves are for people who want to learn all that complete martial arts training has to offer. It isn't for everyone, and requires both child and parent commitments to time and proirity.
While the program scheduling is flexible to accommodate other demansing activities in pre-teen lives. It is required for both parent and child to be sure to keep martial arts training high on their priority list, and parents are required to attend Parent Classes/Meetings bi-monthly so that they can support their child's development. The children are also required to satisfactorily pass an attitude and readiness evaluation to be allowed into this program. Without these, commitments, the child may still participate and learn in the Tsunami Karate Bujitsu portion of our program.
The Tsunami Karate - Bujitsu classes are high intensity classes where the students follow the instructors and work to improve their technique at speed, and improve their endurance and strength. The two parts of the program (Preparation for Budo and Tsunami Karate Bujitsu) work together to completely develop the children's skills and learn the important lessons. While Tsunami Karate Bujitsu alone is very good karate training, the combination is the best there is, although it reguires more commitment.
The combination of the two types of classes produces an amazing amount of learning, so that is by far the preferred way to start. For those who are not ready to commit the necessary time or money, it is possible for this age range to start in just the Tsunami Karate - Bujitsu classes.
Start your child on an amazing journey today, and consider it for yourself!
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